Sunday, 10 May 2009


MCFX as a blog is over. This much may have been guessed by the lack of posts. While the experiment was not successful on returns - finishing down around the 20% mark, we are pleased with the experience. Our currency calls have largely been very good - our foolishness has been nearly entirely focussed on equities where we have lost vast sums through mis-sized, mis-timed, and mis-scaled punts. We not only lost money nearly every time we invested in equities (whether long or short) - we lost way too much each time.

Oh well, lesson learned. Our macro views on currencies that we have reiterated throughout remain the same.

However, more important than the losses, MCFX started a new job a few weeks ago and a very exciting one at that. This will unfortunately consume all his time for the foreseeable future and so blogging (that was not happening anyway) must end. Thanks for the support from those few who read and followed the blog.

Good luck and goodbye!

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